in     by 29 Palms Inn  23-05-2016

It was an exciting birding weekend here in Twentynine Palms, California!

A beautiful Kentucky Warbler (Geothlypis Formosa) was spotted here at the 29 Palms Inn on May 21, 2016. This migratory bird is most commonly found in deciduous forest regions, and usually spends its summers in the central and eastern regions of the US. It will fly non-stop across the Gulf of Mexico to the Yucatan Peninsula, and many Caribbean islands for the winter season.

Tom Benson of San Bernardino was first to spot this unusual bird on Saturday morning, and logged a great description on the eBird website that we’ve shared below. This Warbler was 1 of 27 species Tom recorded during his visit over the weekend.

“Small yellow warbler with olivey upper parts and muted blackish or dusky triangular pattern on face. Yellow 'spectacles' set off by dusky crown and face triangle. Seen briefly just before 1100 and again around 1430. Spent most of its time on the ground except briefly when it flew up into the mulberry tree, which is when I had my best looks at it. Was seen exclusively in the garden area or under the mesquite immediately to the east.”

Shortly after Tom’s discovery, fellow birder Matthew Grube from Redlands, CA arrived to the 29 Palms Inn in search of this Kentucky Warbler, and was able to capture the fantastic photograph shown below. He located the bird in the garden, and noted it “moves around a lot, often skulking in the low vegetation, but was apparently seen perching in the trees later in the day”, and that this photo “and is not at all representative of the bird’s behavior.” During his visit Matthew Grube also recorded 31 other species of bird. 

Matt Grube - Kentucky Warbler

[Photo Courtesy of Matt Grube - Captured on May 21, 2016]

As news traveled in the birding community of this Kentucky Warbler sighting, father & daughter pair Johnny and Lucy Bovee drove from Fallbrook, CA to the Inn in the hopes of seeing the bird. After many dedicated hours of searching on Sunday, May 22, Johnny & Lucy Bovee spotted the Kentucky Warbler, and captured another great photograph of the Warbler, and also logged their description to the eBird website which we've shared below.  

Bovee - Kentucky Warbler

[Photo Couresy of Johnny & Lucy Bovee - Captured on May 22, 2016.]

“A large warbler, with olive upperparts and bright yellow underparts. Faint grayish wash on top of head. Distinct yellow spectacles, beginning at the bill, wrapping around the top of eye, before thinning and terminating directly below the eye. Dark purple-brown bill. Pink legs. Did not vocalize.”

 Johnny & Lucy Bovee

 [Johnny & Lucy noting their findings - The Kentucky Warbler was 1 of 19 bird species they identified during their visit] 

We welcome birders to our Oasis all year round, and remind you to stop by our front office to pick up a copy of our bird list, and also a voucher for a complimentary beverage at our bar so that you can cool down and rehydrate after your search.

If you’re looking to stay with us during your next birding outing, we suggest booking one of our cabins that look out to the pond at the Oasis, and recommend either our Old Frame 1&2 cabin, or the Hermitage cabin.

To learn more about the Kentucky Warbler, and even hear its beautiful song, visit the Cornell Lab of Ornithology All About Birds website.

Also be sure to visit the eBird website, where you can submit your observations, and also explore the many lists of sightings that have been posted from our location here at the 29 Palms Inn. 


